What a lot of pap! I really do hope that not too much public money is being wasted on this. Aims such as to help policymakers through social media analysis so: "they can highlight which areas in the world are talking the most about London tech and therefore help organisations like Tech City UK focus their attention" are absolute bunkum. Organisations like Tech City UK should already know where the tech clusters are in London since they have had enough public money and Google help to do so. In fact, the Tech City UK organisation in its present form is turning out to be a colossal waste of public money. As we run up to the general election, it's turning into the Conservative Party's poodle!
‘Tech City movements' need to be locally focused (at, say, borough level) since all 32 London boroughs are different. The volunteer driven Croydon Tech City group is a good example of how this should work.
And pray tell, what aspects of this Great London Tech Census make it a 'big data' project? A few crappy data points from Companies House data that are probably out of date or irrelevant to what the organisers are trying to achieve since so many companies file serviced office addresses and abbreviated accounts. And what Internet Entrepreneur in their right mind will volunteer commercially confidential data to a project which has as its underlying principle: "Hi, we're from the Government and we're here to help!”?
If it really wants to add value, government elected representatives and officials at all levels (but particularly at the level closest to the communities from which businesses grow) should be helping tech companies to PRACTICALLY be able to SCALE their propositions and OPERATIONALISE the innovative ideas that so many of our young people come up with but can’t turn from vision to reality!
See here article which gives policymakers a good place to start...