Ling's Theory of Balls
Rule 7: "Juggle Balls"
Life is about managing the projects that you plan to help you meet long term goals and also coping with events that you meet along the way. If you can Juggle these Balls you are on your way to success. As I self-financed my way through my MBA in London, I wasn't restricted by having to do my summer project with a company sponsor. I approached one of the leading change management consultancies, Time Manager International, about doing my MBA strategic positioning project with them because I had attended their Time Manager programme whilst in the army and thought it was revolutionary. I eventually stayed with the company for five years becoming marketing director and attended many different personal development programmes as an observer. It soon became evident to me that 'Juggling the Balls' of a busy life, both professional and personal, isn't just about time management. For example, a west country council officer on one TM programme I attended said that whilst she was well organised her life was made a misery by the constant unscheduled interuptions of elected councillors barging into her office demanding attention. The TMI presenter made the astute observation that she should also attend TMI's Assertiveness training course to help her push back on these demands. Naturally, I was gratified that the presenter could upsell our product set, but the principal learning point was that continuous personal development is an essential part of Ball Juggling . The more learning time you put into becoming efficient and effective, the easier it is to Juggle Balls. To see the TOB in full visit: