By gradually leaking more US intelligence secrets and linking up with accused rapist, Ecudorian Embassy fugitive and WikiLeaks autocrat Julian Assange, Snowden has obviously decided to follow a similar 'scorched earth' policy with respect to US national security, his own reputation and future well being. In effect, Edward Snowden, is seeking to burn down the national security apparatus of the United States in order to clear the way for his WikiLeaks idealistic nirvana. It is obvious from reports that Snowden joined Booz Allen Hamilton with the specific aim of finding out details of how the US Government collects intelligence that Edward Snowden is, in fact, a premeditated WikiLeaker.
Instead of staying on the high ground (supported by majority free thinkers like me below) and fighting on the simple principle that the wholesale clandestine gathering of aggregated personal information on citizens without cause by Governments is, and should be illegal, in any 'liberal democracy', Snowden has been dragged into the power politics of the economic (China, EU, US) and military (Russia, US) superpowers. His leaking of petty details of US national security snooping is as stupid as it is expected. Of course, the US bugs EU institutions just as the Chinese have an industrial sized global cyber spying operation aimed at other countries. Only the nascent European Union is behind the curve and that is because the decision making process of this body are supra-national and disjointed. You can bet the national governments of the EU are spying on other governments (particularly other EU governments) like crazy. And so they should be, good intelligence operations prevents wars!
The WikiLeak crazies behind Edward Snowden have convinced him that President Obama is out to assassinate him and as a result of his 'Nero-like' behaviours Snowden is likely to end up in some Latin American autocratic shit hole (that proclaims itself to be a democracy while perpetuating a self serving, inequality inducing, oligarchy) forever looking over his shoulder. He is more likely to end up like Nero than living the life of a Hero. What a chump!
Check Out 'Soviet Balls': My (wee) Subversive Part in the Decline and Fall of the Soviet 'Evil Empire'
Why Bradley Manning is a Criminal and Edward Snowden is a Hero (as of today)

Witness this tweet yesterday from BBC Newsnight's Paul Mason linking the two men in some sort of titanic liberal struggle against the state.
What you are witnessing tonight with Guardisn/NSA is Round 2 of the info war between states and people. Bradley Manning was Round One.
— Paul Mason (@paulmasonnews) June 9, 2013
In terms of principles, Manning opposed wholesale the US government's international policies and strategy, whereas (as far as we know today) Snowdon had a particular axe to grind about a specific aspect of the US government's policy, namely its blanket hoovering of data from practically anyone consuming the communication services of the major Internet companies. In Bradley Manning's case, US voters had already had the chance to vote on the foreign policy of their government which was plain for all to see. This is not the case with the avarice shown by the NSA's Big Data project, code named 'Prism', that Edward Snowden brought to light. The US Government (and any other government involved with them - the UK?) started this illegal 'fishing expedition' of ALL citizens' private communications in complete secrecy.
US Govt #Prism programme scary rollout timeline. Practically it covers the whole Net! We're heading for disaster twitter.com/garysballs/sta…
— Gary Ling (@garysballs) June 8, 2013
See details of the type of data collected by the US Govt full on #Prism programme. What is 'special requests'? twitter.com/garysballs/sta…
— Gary Ling (@garysballs) June 8, 2013