Ling's Theory of Balls
Rule 4: "Play The Ball"

When I graduated from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst I was the fittest I had ever been (it's been downhill since!) and I thought I was indomitable. I was so fit I would rock from foot to foot when waiting for the bus. I just couldn't stay still. Intellectually, I was also in great shape. I went onto to win the Royal United Services Institute Essay Prize for all members of the armed forces under 30. I thought I had it all. Then I arrived excitedly at my new posting and on the first morning the commanding officer sat the newbies down and told us about 'integrity'. He said that this was the most important thing that an officer should have. I asked him how he defined this fine term and in essence he said that integrity is closely linked with transparency. If you cannot tell your boss, wife, friends, partners (whoever, I subsequently came to see that this definition was context specific) about something that you have done then it might well have something to do with the fact that your actions are not consistent with your set of values. Over the years, I can attest just how right he was. Save yourself from alot of stress arising from such a mismatch and Play the Ball not the Man! Let others, politic, argue and 'snake' their way about. If you are straight with people it shines through in the end. To see the TOB in full visit: