![]() The latest UK ‘Issue’ polling confounds the pollsters and political elite by showing that ‘Immigration’ is now the most important issue facing the country. It is to the credit of the British people that they are dead right. Immigration is the most important because it drives every other issue from immigrant labour displacing indigenous workers and moderating wages to putting pressure on UK infrastructure. In fact, migration is the most important issue facing policy makers worldwide – scratch the surface of any other and the effects of the movement of people will be in there somewhere.
![]() Early this morning I was high up in the Penthouse Suite of Barings overlooking London for a briefing on Asia Economies. Over a bacon roll I discover this article in CityAM. I ask one of the presenters how exports can be rising in China and yet the Baltic Dry is sliding? She admits that the Chinese numbers maybe a bit flaky. This PM the US surprises markets with stats that show the US economy shrank a steep 2.9% in Q1. I am used to my political and economic forecasts being right over the medium to long term…but have never been proved right in just a matter of hours! Champagne (and more bacon rolls) all round! ![]() Oh yes this is a good one! The effect of the financial crisis on the Richest and Poorest 10% in world’s major economies 2007-11. One definition of equality in any society is surely that when things go bad we all share the pain. Germany and the UK share this attribute where the line between the two is narrow. By definition the poorest will have suffered more as economies decline but in Britain we have ameliorated this and yet not skewered the wealth creators disproportionately. Is this why we are the fastest growing developed economy? All we have to do now is sort the national debt. Easy peesy!? ![]() It seems it’s game on for swapping terrorists for prisoners for any government after Obama's brilliantly botched Bergdahl-Taliban swap. After years of NOT negotiating with terrorists, at least the Yanks kept the swapped baddies to single digits (5). With 3 boys taken on the West Bank, the Israelis have a habit of exchanging 100s of detainees for one citizen. Should they all follow France’s lead and just pay millions in ransom instead? If you are a UK citizen watch out though. So far HMG has stuck to its guns - no talks with the bad boys and AQ and its followers are cropping up all over the Middle East and Africa. It's scorching out there! ![]() The day after ISIS takes Mosul in Iraq, the UK's National Audit Office says the Coalition's plans to scale back the Army and increase reservists have "significant risks" to its operational abilities and that the decision was taken without "appropriate testing of feasibility". Just a week after the D-Day commemorations, ask yourself: will we ever learn that our armed forces are like puppies and 'not just for Christmas'. You have a standing army, navy and air force to protect the hospitals, schools and values that we hold dear. Investing in the Defence of the Realm comes first in this dangerous, dangerous world. |
Ballsy ShortsConcise Ballsy Thinking as the latest news rolls off the ticker tape. (Er, if you are under 20, Google it!) Archives
May 2017